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jeudi 6 février 2025

Subregional Coordinator (SRC) for Central Africa

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) contributes to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda through the FAO Strategic Framework by supporting the transformation to MORE efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agrifood systems, for better productionbetter nutritiona better environment, and a better life, leaving no one behind.

Organizational Setting

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) contributes to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda through the FAO Strategic Framework by supporting the transformation to MORE efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agrifood systems, for better productionbetter nutritionbetter environment, and a better life, leaving no one behind.The Regional Office for Africa (RAF) leads FAO’s response to regional priorities for food security, agriculture and rural development through the identification, planning and implementation of FAO’s priority activities in the region. It ensures a multidisciplinary approach to programmes, identifies priority areas of action for the Organization in the region and, in collaboration with Subregional Offices, and the Centres, Divisions and Offices at headquarters, develops, promotes and oversees FAO’s strategic response to regional priorities.The Subregional Offices (SROs) mainly consist of Multidisciplinary Teams (MDTs) and are led by Subregional Coordinators (SRCs). The SROs represent a critically important component of FAO’s Decentralized Offices and are integral to the planning and delivery of FAO’s strategies, initiatives and programmes at the subregional and country levels. They bring cutting-edge technical expertise to the countries of the subregions and serve as the first ports of call for technical support.The Subregional Office for Central Africa (SFC) covers the following countries: Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, and São Tomé and Príncipe. The Subregional Coordinator also serves as the FAO Representative to the host country, Gabon, as well as to Sao Tome and Principe.The position of the Subregional Coordinator for Central Africa is located in the Subregional Office for Central Africa in Libreville, Gabon.Reporting LinesThe Subregional Coordinator for Central Africa works under the guidance of, and reports to, the Assistant Director-General/ Regional Representative (ADG/RR), Regional Office for Africa (RAF) in Accra, Ghana. Summary of Duties and Functions:The Subregional Coordinator for Central Africaconsults and coordinates with RAF for planning, development, implementation, monitoring and reporting for subregional activities, initiatives, priorities as well as for the FAO Strategic Framework.The Subregional Coordinator is FAO’s focal point for addressing subregional food security, agriculture, fisheries, forestry, sustainable management of natural resources, climate change and rural development issues. He/she heads a Subregional Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) in the framework of the FAO Strategic Framework 2022-31 and provides support to the effective delivery of RAF Programme of Work and Regional Priorities. He/she contributes to the preparation of the Country Programming Frameworks (CPFs) for the FAO Member countries in the Subregion, and ensures effective collaboration with subregional economic integration organizations, UN-system entities at the subregional and national levels, and other subregional institutions and media. He/she provides functional guidance to FAO Representatives (FAORs) in the Subregion, in their capacity as MDT members.The Subregional Coordinator leads the Multidisciplinary Team in the Subregional Office for Central Africa (SFC). He/she leads FAO’s response to subregional priorities in line with the FAO Strategic Framework 2022-31 and the Regional Priorities from the FAO Regional Conference for Africa and is accountable for FAO activities in the Subregion. He/she also represents FAO in the country of assignment. The SRC supports the FAO Regional Representative for Africa in his/her capacity as an accountable member of the regional United Nations Development Group (UNDG) team as defined in the “Management and Accountability System of the UN Development and the Resident Coordinator System”. The SRC is part of the RAF Core Leadership Team (CLT) and he/she contributes to addressing strategic issues, e.g. work planning, programming, budgeting and other strategic issues in RAF. In particular, he/she is responsible for the following:
  • Oversight of FAO strategic planning and programme development in the subregion:
    • lead the analysis and dialogue on subregional priorities and the development of subregional strategies;
    • advise and collaborate with internal partners to raise awareness of subregional priorities and needs, and ensure that they are reflected in corporate and regional policies;
    • ensure the provision of timely technical support to the FAO components of the UN common planning and programming frameworks (e.g. United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework [UNSDCF], Consolidated Appeals Process [CAP], Flash Appeals, etc.), the Country Programming Framework (CPF) for all countries in the Subregion and related FAO programmes, projects and/or other activities;
    • lead subregional mobilization of extrabudgetary resources, making optimum use of the expertise available in the Decentralized Offices.
  • Programme implementation and monitoring:
    • support Member countries in the Subregion to address food insecurity, malnutrition, hunger and inequalities by working together with institutional partners in the Subregion, in accordance with agreed priorities, approved programme/workplans/budgets, strategic objectives and corporate policies;
    • coordinate and ensure timely and appropriate technical backstopping to FAO programmes and projects in the Subregion in close collaboration with FAO technical divisions and units, and in line with corporate norms, standards and procedures;
    • undertake regular reporting and monitoring on subregional programmes.
  • Leadership on knowledge management:
    • support and, where relevant, lead the subregional policy dialogues on areas of FAO’s mandate;
    • facilitate timely access by subregional stakeholders to FAO’s knowledge resources and global public goods, and knowledge sharing within and beyond the Subregion;
    • act as the spokesperson of FAO in the Subregion and communicate FAO programme and impacts to partners, media, and other stakeholders.
  • Management of human and financial resources:
    • lead and manage the Subregional Office and ensure effective and efficient use of human and financial resources in line with corporate policies and administrative procedures;
    • manage all matters related to the security and safety of FAO personnel and their eligible dependants and ensure full adherence to the UN Security Policy, rules and regulations, as well as to security-related instructions issued by FAO;
    • contribute to strategic leadership and management decisions on FAO’s work in Africa as a member of RAF’s Core Leadership Team.
  • Contacts/Partnerships:
    • support the effective establishment of partnerships and collaborations with governments, donors, civil society, NGOs, UN system organizations and other international organizations;
    • advocate FAO’s policy positions in the relevant subregional fora, represent FAO in the media, and implement a pro-active communications strategy to raise awareness about FAO with the general public;
    • support the UN joint communication efforts at the subregional level and speaking with “one voice”.
General RequirementsAdvanced university degree and post-graduate qualifications in the field of agriculture, fishery, forestry or international relations.Minimum twelve years of relevant experience in programme development and management, resource mobilization, especially familiarity with International Financial Institutions (IFIs), global funding envelopes for agriculture and environment, e.g. Global Environment Facility (GEF), Adaptation Fund, etc., and private sector or blended financial modalities, development or humanitarian related issues, preferably with some years of experience in Africa.Extensive leadership, managerial and professional experience in fields related to the mandate of FAO. Previous leadership roles in a multicultural setting would be an advantage.Extensive experience in partnership with international organizations, national government, private sector, civil society organizations, youth and women organizations, farmer associations, etc.Working knowledge (proficient – level C) of French and limited knowledge (intermediate – level B) of English.

Leadership CompetenciesResults focus: Takes accountability for the delivery of agreed results in service of FAO’s strategic framework – Leading, engaging and empowering others: Coordinates, directs, facilitates and recognizes team efforts; creates an enabling environment and assists others to realize and develop their potential – Communication: Encourages and contributes to clear and open communication – Partnering and Advocating: Promotes ideas and develops partnerships to advance the Organization’s work – Knowledge sharing and continuous improvement: Continually seeks to improve the knowledge, skills and work processes of oneself and others – Strategic thinking: Makes informed and coherent decisions aligned with broader goals and strategies. Please note that all candidates should adhere to FAO values of Commitment to FAO, Respect for all and Integrity and Transparency.GENERAL INFORMATION• FAO reserves the right not to make an appointment.• Appointment will be subject to certification that the candidate is medically fit for appointment, accreditation, any residency or visa requirements, and security clearances. CONDITIONS OF SERVICEA competitive compensation and benefits package is offered. For information on UN salaries, allowances and benefits,click on the following link: http://www.un.org/Depts/OHRM/salaries_allowances/salary.htmOther benefits, subject to eligibility, include:- Dependency allowances- Rental subsidy- Education grant for children- Home leave travel- 30 working days of annual leave per year- Pension fund entitlements under the UN Joint Staff Pension Fund- International health insurance; optional life insurance- Disability protectionFAO encourages a positive workplace culture to increase inclusivity and diversity within its workforce. FAO appliesmeasures in which all staff members contribute equally and in full to the work and development of the Organization. This includes:- elements of family-friendly policies- flexible working arrangements- standards of conduct. HOW TO APPLY

• To apply, visit the recruitment website at Jobs at FAO and complete your online profile. We strongly recommend that your profile is accurate, complete and includes your employment records, academic qualifications, and language skills
• Candidates are requested to attach a letter of motivation to the online profile
• Once your profile is completed, please apply, and submit your application
• Please note that FAO only considers higher educational qualifications obtained from an institution accredited/recognized in the World Higher Education Database (WHED), a list updated by the International Association of Universities (IAU) / United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The list can be accessed at http://www.whed.net/
• Candidates may be requested to provide performance assessments and authorization to conduct verification checks of past and present work, character, education, military and police records to ascertain any and all information which may be pertinent to the employment qualifications
• Incomplete applications will not be considered
• Personal information provided on your application may be shared within FAO and with other companies acting on FAO’s behalf to provide employment support services such as pre-screening of applications, assessment tests, background checks and other related services. You will be asked to provide your consent before submitting your application. You may withdraw consent at any time, by withdrawing your application, in such case FAO will no longer be able to consider your application
• Only applications received through the FAO recruitment portal will be considered
• Your application will be screened based on the information provided in your online profile
• We encourage applicants to submit the application well before the deadline date.

If you need help, or have queries, please contact: Careers@fao.org 

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